Lego Comes Out of Person’s Nose After 26 Years [Video] | Christine

Lego Comes Out of Person’s Nose After 26 Years [Video] | Christine

Lego Comes Out of Person’s Nose After 26 Years [Video] | Christine


Kids have a habit of putting things in their mouths or noses that don’t belong there, but that’s typically when mom or dad come to the rescue and get it out.

A 32-year-old Arizona resident went viral for a story they shared on social media. They had a Lego stuck up their nose for 26 years! In the video, Andi Norton says that when he was about 6-years-old he had stuck a Lego up in their nose. Using her tweezers, Mom thought she removed it but apparently a small piece remained.

The remaining Lego finally came out when Andi was in the shower and blew his nose, and when he did, out came the little Lego piece.

Andi says he’s unsure on how to feel as he’s struggled with breathing problems throughout his life and was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea. On the bright side, he says he can smell now! As far as the Lego, he’s saved it in a plastic bag and plans on taking it to his doctor.



Image by Clovis Cheminot from Pixabay

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